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Riggs (Hell's Lovers MC, #3) Page 3

  My eyes met his in the most intense, fixed stare. I bit my bottom lip and Riggs groaned. “Yes, Riggs. Do what you want to me. Please,” I whispered.

  His mouth crashed onto mine, sending shockwaves through my body, his hunger apparent in the searing kiss. As his tongue licked my lips open, my pussy started to quiver and our movements became more urgent. He tasted of whiskey and his own sweet male flavor that had me wanting to rip my clothes off so I could feel him inside of me.

  He ran his hands down my thighs, cupping my ass as he jerked his hips up. His rough touch was electrifying to me. If I’d been standing it would have brought me to my knees. His thrusts caused me to slide my soaked slit down his front, feeling his rigid length. The rough material of his jeans only added to my pleasure, my moans getting lost on his lips.

  I gripped his shirt as our tongues met, dancing and stroking, savoring one another. When his hand made his way to the hot core of my mound I froze and looked at him. I must have looked shocked because he growled and rubbed along the length of my pussy.

  “Fuck,” he whispered against my lips.

  “Oh, Riggs. Oh, yes. Your fingers feel so good.” My voice sounded urgent, looking for the one thing only he could offer me.

  “Cum for me, baby girl.” He sucked on the curve of my neck and put pressure on the top of my clit making me scream my pleasure, gushing all over his hand.

  He grunted and I could feel his pants get soaked from both of our releases. His head was tucked into my neck and I felt his sharp intakes of breath. My body felt limp and completely sated as I sat cradled in his lap.

  After a few minutes, he raised his head, his eyes level with mine. “I shouldn’t have done that.”

  “Don’t say that. I wanted you to.”

  He brushed a strand of my hair behind my ear. “You keep saying things like that Luna and I might not let you go.”

  I trailed my hands along his chest, rubbing myself gently on his lap. He grunted and held onto my hips. “Baby, you don’t know what you’re asking. I’m not what you think I am.”

  “Then teach me, Riggs. Please.”

  He shook his head and picked me up off his lap. Looking down I noticed the whole front of his pants had a wet spot and I smiled up at him.

  “You can’t deny me for long, Riggs.”

  He frowned. “Fuck! Get your stuff we’re leaving,” he said gruffly.

  I adjusted my skirt, feeling his eyes on me the entire time. As we walked out and headed towards his bike, I gripped his hand and he didn’t pull away. No matter what he said I knew I’d win him over sooner or later, and I couldn’t wait until he caved.



  Present Day...

  * * *

  I SAT on a stool at the corner of the counter, focused on Luna’s tight little body. I couldn’t help but watch her move around and giggle at customers. Every now and then those blue eyes would glide over to me and a pink flush would spread on her cheeks. Her eyes would immediately wander off if they caught mine and my body would shake in need. I fisted the glass I was holding and continued to take swigs of the bitter liquid. It had been four months, four torturous months since that moment, that night when I finally heard her say my name as she came.

  She knew I came into her room most nights. She knew what I did, yet she never stopped me. I was a fucked up pervert, coming into her room, looking for a way to release this urge to defile her. I’ve entered her bedroom nearly every night since then, hoping she’d be awake so she could just watch me as I stroked my cock for her. It excited me that she enjoyed watching me so much, that she knew what she did to me. I don’t know how I’ve been able to hold off this long, especially when deep in the night she begs me to take her as I walk out. I was supposed to be protecting her from sick fucks like me, but instead I was the one taking advantage of her.

  I shook my head, coming out of my reverie. I was supposed to be on watch tonight after the incident that happened a few weeks ago. The Death Row Shooters’ President, Ryan Simon, had lent us some men to watch the club and I had enough eyes on the place that I could stray away occasionally. Ravenous had just reopened, and Luna’s first shift closing was tonight, which meant I only had one sole focus, to make sure she was safe. Unfortunately, I didn’t know how much longer I could keep her safe from me.

  “Hey Riggs, you think you could do me a favor?”

  “Anything, Prez.” Wolf sat down beside me facing the crowd. “I need you to help me find Gunner. I’d go myself, but I don’t want to leave Scarlett alone after all that’s happened. I’d rather have Cain and Seth here, and you know I trust you to get him back here. You think you can do that for me?”

  “Do you know where he is?”

  Wolf shook his head and grimaced. “No clue. Last I heard, Diesel came across him in Vegas. Start there and see what you could find.”

  I nodded. “No problem. I’ll see if I could drive to Vegas and get Diesel to help me.”

  Wolf patted his back. “Just keep me informed.” He raised his hand signaling to Luna for a drink. My pretty girl smiled over at us and nodded. “You heard anything on El Rubio?”

  I shook my head, my grip tightening on the glass I was holding. “No. Just hope the cops get to him first. If I lay my hands on him there won’t be anything left to identify when they find the body.”

  Wolf nodded. “I get it Riggs,” he smiled at Luna as she placed the drink in front of him. Her eyes lingered on mine before she turned back to the next customer.

  “Who do you think they’re working with?”

  “Heard some rumors that they were working with some drug cartel from Mexico. Also heard, that same cartel isn’t too happy with Tuco and his precious little gang. Looks like they got into something that’s way over their heads.”

  “Fuck.” Wolf downed the drink and stared ahead. “We need Diesel and Gunner. I need as many men as I can get. Men I trust. I’ve got a few of the prospects doing recon. They haven’t been patched yet, so this is their chance to prove that they can be one of us. I’m sending them out to get some info.”

  “What does Grayson think of all this?”

  “He’s on edge, just like all of us. I think Rahyne’s been good for him though. Keeping his mind on other things, you know?”

  I nodded and took a sip of my drink as I stared over at Luna.

  Wolf chuckled and patted me on the back. “I’m going upstairs to Scarlett, she keeps blasting my phone. I can’t wait till she has that little girl, maybe then she could give me a break. My woman’s got me all worn out.”

  “Oh, I’m sure you’re suffering right through that,” I joked, sarcastically.

  Wolf laughed. “Let me know if anything out of the ordinary goes down.”

  “Sure thing, Prez.” My eyes drifted back to the beauty behind the bar and I figured I could leave Seth or Grayson watching over her. I couldn’t say no to Wolf, he’d hired me for the sole purpose of being his backup. I was the one who went out on the road for him. Usually they were easy runs to get detail on the surroundings, but at times I had to drag Gunner’s or Diesel’s asses back into town to help. This was one of those times.

  I also had random jobs I’d do for the club. I usually worked with Diesel, but the guy was on a job. I was good at tracking Intel for the club and making sure packages, especially payments, were being made. There were several occasions when I needed to rough up a few of the members who liked to use the facilities, but also liked disappearing without paying the bill. No one left Ravenous without paying the bill and no one pulled a fast one on us. If they dared to try, you best believe one of us would be on their ass faster than they could blink.

  I stared at Luna wondering if a woman like her could ever be okay with the work I did. I got up and made my rounds making sure everyone was where they were supposed to be. When Grayson wasn’t around I was the one in charge of getting information on any newcomers who were at the bar. Gratefully, tonight was one of the quieter nights. I watched Luna from af
ar, she knew exactly where I was at all times, it’s like she had a radar on me or something. But I liked it, she was just as aware of me as I was of her.

  A few hours later I was dragging Sam, one of our regulars, out the door making sure he got into a cab we had called for him. Most of the guys had gone home and all who were left were Cain, Luna and myself. I told Cain I’d take care of closing up and waited for her to be done. The brothers knew she was mine. It was an unspoken understanding that I was the only one to walk her home, and they didn’t fight me on it.

  I kept to myself most of the time and I liked it that way. No one fucked with me, and in return they’d stay in my good graces and under my protection. The Hell’s Lovers were the only people who knew about my past. My father was the lowest form of a human being you could imagine. He lived to drink and abuse my mother. Growing up in that type of environment taught me to be tough and rough.

  The night my mother died I knew it was only a matter of time before he killed me too. In one of his crazed alcohol induced moments he’d shoved her so hard, she banged her head against the tub. He hadn’t even bothered to check on her. I found her hours later, sprawled on the bathroom floor, blood seeping from the back of her head. I screamed and called for help, but my father was snoring off his drunken state instead of protecting his family. He was never arrested, he was never tried, because the incident was announced an accident. But I knew better, I knew he’d done it.

  Being in the military saved me from my father’s clutches. The violence in my house had worsened when my mother wasn’t there to take the blows, so he found me instead. One more night living under his roof and he would have beaten the life out of me.

  Seth and Cain were in my military unit and we’ve spent years backing each other up, we were so used to it, it came naturally now. We also took care of each other, which is how I got the job with Wolf. He’d helped me out, Grayson had given me a home, and I owed them all my life.

  I always wanted something more in life, maybe even a wife with long raven hair and celestial eyes. The Hell’s Lovers had given me that small look into what a good life could be. Especially Wolf, with his beautiful wife expecting his little girl. He was going to fall head over heels for that little girl.

  My yearning for a loving family and my past is probably why I am the way that I am. I wanted to have a woman who I could love and protect. Someone I could play out my sick fetishes with, someone who wouldn’t be afraid to depend on me, but I never found the right woman to play with. Most women are beautifully independent, and having someone take care of them in that way just wasn’t a turn on. Most of them told me they needed space before they left.

  Everyone has their own fetishes, lace, bdsm, latex, mine was for this young girl to be mine. All I wanted was for the vixen behind the counter to bounce on my cock calling me daddy while I fucked her. I needed to know she loved me so much that I could be her whole world, her everything. The funny thing is, I never thought it would actually happen. The thought never crossed my mind that someone as young as Luna could focus on a man like me. And the thought had my cock jumping for the first chance.

  I walked behind her quietly as we made our way home. Every now and then she’d look back as she told me about her night and what she’d seen or done that day. I knew everything about my Luna’s life, but she knew nothing of mine. As I waited at her door she turned to me.

  “If you come in, I’ll slip into bed and pretend to sleep. You don’t have to wait for me to fall asleep, I like knowing you’re there.”

  I looked at her in shock and quickly looked down at my feet in shame. Then I turned and left, knowing I’d be back later. We never really talked about what I did, it was an unspoken secret between us, but every now and then she liked to push my buttons. I knew she wanted a reaction from me, but it was never going to happen, not if I could help it.

  TWO HOURS later I was creeping back into the apartment. I wasn’t sure why I even bothered being quiet, I knew she was awake, waiting for me. I wasn’t sure what I was expecting to see when I walked into her bedroom, but what I found almost shattered all my defenses and immediately had my cock throbbing.

  She was propped up on the pillows her hand down her panties, her head thrown back moaning what sounded like my name.

  “Luna!” I yelled out her name, mostly to startle her, to stop her, but it came out more like a strangled plea.

  “Mmmm, Riggs,” she smiled at me as she worked herself into a frenzy. “Riggs,” she breathed, as she played with herself.

  My cock felt large and heavy in its confines. I reached down and squeezed it, releasing some of the ache.

  “Take it out Riggs. Let me see it. I want to see it.”

  I wasn’t thinking as I finally let it out of its confines. I was only focused on seeing her cum again. I watched as she slid her panties to the side exposing her glistening slit to my hot gaze.

  “Fuck, Riggs it’s so big. I remember how good it felt against me. Shit!” she squealed.

  My eyes were glued to her fingers as they circled her clit making her hips jerk off the bed.

  “Fuck, baby girl.” I gripped my cock and started tugging on it, imagining it was her pussy squeezing on it.

  “Come closer. Touch me, Riggs, please,” she whimpered my name, her needy moans sent my senses reeling.

  Unconsciously, I found myself standing by the side of her bed, only inches away from her. She looked over at me as her hips swiveled in the air enticingly. “Touch it, Riggs. Touch me. Make me cum again. I can’t cum without you, please.”

  “Shit.” I wanted to ease her fevered cries. I clenched my jaw as I felt my cock get heavier. I reached out and touched the soft skin of her thigh. She parted her legs for me and arched her back. I ignored my cock as my hand traveled up to the soft flesh of her pussy lips. I slid my middle finger along her slickness, finding her fingertips as they dipped into her entrance. She removed her hand and threw her head back.

  “Oh, Riggs. Riggs make me cum! God, your fingers feel amazing!” I continued to stroke her in gentle rubbing motions, up and down her sensitive bud. I was now sitting on the bed making my way in between her thighs. I watched, fixated as my finger slid into her depths and she yelled out while gripping the sheets in her fists. I pumped her a couple of times before inserting a second finger into her. I felt the thin wall of her hymen and was careful not to go any further. I wanted my cock to break that for her.

  She whined and sighed sexily as I fucked her with my fingers. Her hips slid forward trying to take my hand deeper into her tight little cunt. Hearing her moans get louder I really started to pump in and out of her. I thought of pressing my mouth to her and tasting her, but instead my thumb roamed out and touched her clit. She gave out a strangled cry and gushes of cream seeped out of her entrance. I swallowed hard, keeping myself from sucking on that cream while she rode my hand to ecstasy.

  I gripped my cock and started pumping furiously as I swept my thumb along her clit making her cry out again. The sound of her orgasm and the way her pussy clutched onto my hand had me thinking of my cock buried inside her as she clutched onto it, and I released squirt after squirt of my seed onto the bedroom floor. After I was done, I looked over at her. She was swiveling her hips onto my hand, showing me how much she was enjoying my touch.

  “Thank you,” she whispered.

  I took my hand out of her core and brought it to my mouth. Licking it, I got my first taste of her sweet secrets and I sucked on my fingers as I watched her. She bit her lip and passed a finger along her slit, apparently liking what I was doing.

  “Oh, baby girl. I wish you hadn’t done that.”

  “I couldn’t help myself. You can’t continue doing this. You’ve had me wait too long, Riggs. Don’t you understand I need you? You’re the only one who could satisfy what I’m feeling.”

  She crawled up to me and pressed a kiss to my lips. “Kiss me, Riggs. Please don’t make me beg anymore. I’m tired of begging.”

  I growled and turned to her
, capturing her lips in a hard kiss. I ravaged her mouth, seeking her tongue, stroking and sucking on her like I wished I’d done to her pussy. She tasted of sweet strawberries and I groaned as I tore myself from her. Leaving her, I stood up and tucked myself into my pants. Looking down at her innocent eyes I stroked her cheek.

  “I have to go out of town for the next couple of days. Seth and Grayson will watch over you. Don’t go anywhere without either of them you hear me. I’d die if something happened to you.”

  She leaned into my touch and sighed. “Yes, daddy.”

  Pouting, she turned to her side and pulled the covers over her shoulder. The word was said sarcastically, but my cock didn’t care. It hardened instantly and as I walked out I knew it wouldn’t be long until I gave in. But right now, what I needed was a long cold shower and to get my head together.



  So you don’t know where the hell he is?”

  Diesel shook his head. “If I knew, I’d tell you, but the guy is good at hiding. Passed by about a month ago, stayed a few weeks and then he was gone.”


  I’d travelled with Diesel before, and after hitting all his favorite spots, I found him with a gorgeous brunette on his lap at a black jack table in the Bellaggio. As soon as he saw me, a big cheesy grin had shown on his hard features and he dropped everything to meet with me. I could tell the brunette was upset, but he promised to find her later. Leading me to a far-off corner of the bar, he bought us some drinks and now here we were.

  “What’s going on over there, anyway?”

  “Shit’s going down, man. We’ve got Los Perdidos on our asses, place got shot up, and now we’re working with the Death Row Shooters in order to strengthen the club.”