Riggs (Hell's Lovers MC, #3) Page 2
Like I said, I’m a sick fuck.
I wasn’t such an asshole, every now and then I’d wait until she left the apartment and I’d go down and leave her some cash, sometimes even fill up her refrigerator. I even got curious to where she went and wound up following her a few times as she looked for jobs, applying as a waitress or part timer anywhere she could.
If my voyeurism wasn’t enough for you, I’m so fucked up that I actually waited until she went to bed and crept into her room, staring down at her sleeping form. She looked so beautiful and delicate sleeping on my bed. If I was lucky I’d find her wearing the tiniest thong and the sheerest of tank tops. The material would roll up her stomach exposing her tight stomach muscles.
If I was any other man I would have taken advantage of her, but I wasn’t just any man. This woman had become my obsession. I craved her, yearned for her. I fucking needed her, and I was not going to hurt someone that special. I had to admit that in those nights, it would take everything in me to leave her alone. I wouldn’t touch her, not without her permission, but my cock begged for release, and night after night I’d stroke it by her bedside, groaning her name as I came.
A couple of nights ago she disappeared on me. I couldn’t find her anywhere that morning and I was growing desperate by the hour. I kept thinking that something bad had happened to her, that her foster father had come back for her, or that someone had stolen her away from me.
I was feeling down and anxious as I sat with Grayson and Wolf guzzling down beer after beer. Meg, our bar manager at the time, had come up to the brothers informing us she had hired a new girl, a dancer, and wanted us to keep an eye on her. Ravenous wasn’t an easy place to work. The Hell’s Lovers had a rule, any woman who worked for the club was to be respected, even if she didn’t respect herself. Cause believe me, there was plenty of pussy around, and not all of them wanted or needed our protection. They lived off our VIP members and that’s what Ravenous was for. Offer a safe haven filled with all the comforts and all the pussy you could handle.
As I sat there, drinking my beer and feeling slightly buzzed, a shimmer of red caught my eye. My jaw nearly dislocated as I spotted her heading towards me. She looked fucking stunning in a deep red negligée, with black garter belts that swept around a perfectly sculpted ass. The vixen had followed me to Ravenous. I could tell it was her first night learning the ropes and she looked slightly timid. But she had gained some confidence since I had last spoken to her and she knew she looked like a goddess in black stilettos.
Jade, our veteran dancer, came up beside her wearing an emerald green bikini that was flooded with dollar bills. She was counting the money as she led my baby girl up onto the platform and into the private lounge area. “Boys this is Luna! Meg told me to show her around, make sure you boys know the new hire.”
“Hey Jade, why don’t you give me a lap dance?” Seth grinned at her and she rolled her eyes.
“Baby, you can’t afford me.”
The brothers all laughed but my eyes remained on the young innocent girl I had rescued. She looked down at me and blushed, but the girl had balls, giant brass ones, because she headed right for me. I took in her long legs as she strolled towards me. She was filling out nicely and her hips swayed seductively as her hands played with the frill at the end of the negligee. When she reached me, she leaned down and whispered huskily to me. The words that came out of her mouth made my mouth water and my cock jump at the chance to be inside of her.
“Teach me to be yours, Riggs. Please.”
I took in what she said and I froze. For a brief minute I held her gaze, and then I scowled. Immediately, I stood up and sauntered off.
Okay…I ran off.
But what was I supposed to do, take her right there. I’m thirty-three years old! Not a young guy by any means. She could do so much better than me. Especially with my sick fetishes. Besides I was aggravated and mad as hell at what she was doing. She didn’t have to do this, I could take perfect care of her.
I was so furious I made my way straight to Meg. If there was anyone to blame then Meg would have to take the brunt of it. The woman had been working at Ravenous for years and knew how to manage this club top to bottom. She was well respected and we all knew better than to question what she did, but she was about to get a piece of my mind.
“What the hell, Meg? You can’t hire that girl.”
She continued to wipe down the counter and didn’t even look at me. “And why not?”
“Because she’s too damn young, that’s why!”
She had the audacity to smirk. “You’ve got a lot of nerve telling me how to manage my people, Riggs.”
“You either fire Luna, or there will be hell to pay.”
She slammed the rag on the counter and look me dead in the eye. “Girl is young, lost, and she needs a job. I’m not throwing her out on the streets.”
“She’s not on the streets!”
“And you know that how?”
I couldn’t answer her question, so I just pointed at her and walked away. I had to give it to her, she was going to fight me tooth and nail. So, I went up to Wolf instead. If there was anybody who would understand me it was the Prez.
“So you don’t want her to dance,” he asked, staring back at me.
“Fuck no! She’s too damn young, barely legal. She’s doing this to get back at me.
“And you know her?”
I nodded. “Just trust me, please. Put her to clean tables, serve, anything else, just don’t make her dance.”
Wolf sighed and shook his head. “Okay. I’ll see what I can do.”
Needless to say, Luna didn’t dance that night, or any other night for that matter. I was glad when a week later Meg let me know that Luna was given a job behind the bar. If you weren’t a Hell’s Lover’s old lady, then the safest place was behind a counter.
I had gotten my way that night, but who knew for how long. My sexy vixen was turning out to be more than a handful. One that I gladly wanted to handle, right on my lap, with her ass in the air, while I spanked her for being a bad little girl.
Fuck, if she wasn’t driving me crazy.
Following her around like a lost puppy, making sure she was okay, making sure no fucker touched her, pining for her heart and craving her body every day. This shit was going to be a lot harder to control than I thought.
Two months later...
* * *
For Jason Riggs, that is. He’s the type of man you want to spend all day in bed with. With those deep hazel eyes and dark shaggy hair. His chiseled jaw line was hidden behind a permanent five o’clock shadow that I wanted to feel all over my skin. And those lips! Oh my God his lips were sinful, especially his bottom lip. It was full and plump and I found myself staring at it more than once, wanting to suck it into my mouth and mold myself into the hard planes of his body.
Since the first night he held me, I felt a connection to Jason Riggs, his eyes had spread a heat through my body that had me tingling all over. I should stay away from him, he’s so much older than me, but I don’t care. I just need his touch. I admit, he’s a little on the grumpy side, but I just see a big warm bear with an even bigger heart.
He’s the reason I’m living, the reason I’m able to laugh, work, have a home. My parents passed away when I was eleven years old. They died in a car accident on their way home from a weekend trip in Napa Valley. The only other relative I had was my uncle, who was a loser alcoholic who didn’t even bother to ask about me. So I was all by myself in the world, and with no one around to take care of me, I was placed in the system.
A nice woman, a teacher by the name of Elizabeth Riley, decided to take me in. Everything seemed great when we first were together, but then she married Nestor Alvarez. He was an even bigger loser than my uncle.
After a wonderful three years living with Beth, my foster mother passed away a little after I turned thirteen. She left me with a m
an who couldn’t care less about me, a man who treated her like shit until the very day he died, a man who didn’t even go to her funeral because he was too busy fucking the bimbo next door.
That’s how I found him, her screams were deafening as I entered the house. I was stupid enough to run up to his room wondering if everything was okay. His door was left wide open as he was bucking her like a wild bronco. I stood there, staring at him, when suddenly his eyes met mine. His eyes narrowed on me as his tongue slithered across his lips. He continued to stare at me as he fucked the blonde who was telling him to fuck her harder. He bit his lip and yelled out his release as his eyes remained glued on me.
I ran into my room and locked my door, scared he’d come after me, scared he’d look at me like that again. I spent the next five years fearing him and avoiding him. There were nights where he’d come home drunk, he’d pound on my door until he was hoarse from screaming my name, begging me to give him a little taste. I was too young to understand back then, but I knew I needed to stay away from him. He pretty much left me on my own besides that. I knew he was into some bad stuff.
Sometimes men would come to the house. They were big, scary men, full of tattoos. As soon as I’d hear them I’d run away, hide away somewhere for hours until they left. I wasn’t stupid, the way they looked at me and the way they were drinking…one of them would have raped me. I always managed to escape their wandering eyes or lecherous looks. Nestor never actually tried anything. Not until that night.
It was the night I found out about the money. I found the letter on top of Nestor’s desk, it was sitting there as if he had just read it. The letter was from Elizabeth to me. In it, she talked about how much I meant to her and what I meant to my parents. She also mentioned all the details of what my parents left me. They hadn’t left me without anything, I had insurance money to claim in the amount of one hundred thousand dollars that I had never heard about. My life would change drastically with that amount of money, but I could only receive it when I turned twenty-one. I was only eighteen, only a few months shy from my nineteenth birthday and I had a long way to go.
Putting the letter in my pocket I waited for Nestor to arrive. I wasn’t stupid, I wasn’t going to tell him what I found, but I also wasn’t going to be held under his grasp anymore. No wonder he wanted to keep me close and always mentioned how I owed him something. As I ran down the stairs I smacked right into him. I told him I was leaving, that I was done with his abuse. He’d smacked me across the face and then I ran. I ran so fast that the cold air burned my lungs and my calf muscles strained.
I thought I was finally in the clear. I didn’t have any clothes or food, but in that moment I felt alive. I had the one thing he couldn’t take away from me tucked into my back pocket, but my happiness was short lived when he surprised me and grabbed me on that street. If it wasn’t for my beautiful savior, for Jason Riggs, he would’ve probably raped me. That night Riggs carried me away, and there hasn’t been a moment since that I haven’t felt safe and protected.
I couldn’t believe what he had done. He didn’t even know my last name, yet he had given me his home. It wasn’t that I didn’t trust him, I just felt like disappearing for a while. Giving him my last name would make everything a reality, and I just wanted to live in his world for a little while. He was so kind to me, so gentle. I knew he kept his own key to the apartment and every now and then I’d find a couple twenty dollar bills on the kitchen counter. I always put them away, vowing I would pay every cent back as soon as I could. Like he promised, food was never an issue since the refrigerator was always full. It always made me smile and feel comforted by him, even if I couldn’t see him or talk to him. His warmth was always present.
The first time I felt his heated gaze on me, I had an urge to crawl on his lap and let him take his pleasure out on me. I’d never had a feeling like that before, and I was anxious to explore it. I did wonder if he would ever show up in the middle of the night, and I had my answer after that first week, on the first night I heard him.
At first I got scared that someone had broken in, but when I heard the sound of the alarm being turned off I settled down. His scent filled the air when he entered the room and my body tightened with his presence. That first night he just watched, but never touched me. I pretended to sleep, making sure my breath remained deep and steady. It was like this for a few nights. He’d stand there for a little while, watch me and then leave. But soon his visits became longer. In the silence of the night I would hear the sound of his zipper as he dragged it down, and then the sweet sounds of his hand stroking his cock echoing through the room, soon followed by his deep grunts of pleasure. My pussy ached to open for him, but I remained still, waiting.
Every night had been the same, and every night I’d find something skimpier to wear for him. At first, I started getting rid of my pajama bottoms giving him a free glance at my undies. Then I just wore tank tops, rolling them up to show as much skin as possible hoping he’d cave in. It became a ritual. He’d come in, watch me, find his release and leave me feeling frustrated and unsatisfied. It didn’t matter how many times I touched myself, I couldn’t find any release in what I was doing. I needed him, more than he knew.
I was fixated on driving him to the edge, of knowing more about him. Desperate to find out what made him tick, where he worked, where he lived, what he enjoyed. These questions kept twirling around in my head until the day I spotted him coming out of the apartment. I followed him a few blocks down and watched as he entered a club called Ravenous. I’d heard about that club as well as who owned it. Only the biker elite were allowed inside and it had piqued my curiosity. The following day I interviewed for a job as a dancer at Ravenous. It wasn’t the best job, not what I wanted to do with my life, but I figured it was the best way to get close to Riggs.
The very first night I started, I made Riggs aware of what my intensions were. He may have not wanted to admit it, but I knew what he was doing in the middle of his nights. He had been livid, but all that mattered to me was that I had finally gotten a reaction out of him.
I didn’t even get a chance to get on the stage that night. I was working with Meg behind the bar on the following day. I was grateful for the change, and grateful that I was able to remain near him. It wasn’t going to be easy, but I wasn’t one to easily give up. There were too many men in my world who had wanted to hurt me and I wasn’t going to give up on the one man who seemed to truly care for me.
The first time I was left alone behind the bar, I made sure to take my time cleaning up. I knew he’d waited for me to walk me home. He’d been so distant lately and I was starting so get tired of his indifference, in that moment I decided to push him to see how far he’d go.
“Are you just going to sit and watch me all night, Riggs?”
“I’m waiting to take you home.”
I looked up at him and grinned. “Is that all your waiting for?”
I watched as his jaw tensed and he gave a frustrated sigh. “Stop it, Luna. I’m only here cause I’m on watch. You’re the last person to leave tonight.”
I smiled as I wiped the counter. “Liar,” I whispered under my breath.
“What did you call me?” he growled angrily.
I had enough of his cold shoulder and I turned to him. “I called you a liar. You’re a liar Jason Riggs. You’re not here to wait for me. You’re here to make sure I get home so you could get your kinks off later tonight.”
His eyes grew wide and I bit my lip, wondering if I had gone too far.
“My kinks! What the fuck are you talking about?”
His voice was rough, but I could sense a nervous jitter run through him as he clenched his jaw, his hands fisting tightly in front of him.
Gaining courage I wasn’t sure I had, I fully turned towards him and held his gaze. “I know what you’ve been doing in my room, Riggs.”
His eyes widened and I took the opportunity to walk up to him. I licked my lips and watched as his gaze focused on me. Pressing on his
shoulder, I twirled him around on the stool having him face me. His legs were spread open and I slid my way between them. Trailing my hands up his jean-clad thighs, I felt his muscles flex. Ducking my head, I looked up at him through my thick eyelashes. “You like to watch me, don’t you?”
His Adams Apple bobbed up and down as he swallowed and I leaned over, pressing a kiss to the side of his neck, licking the slight bump. He tensed and his hands suddenly gripped my arms, pulling me slightly back.
I continued to graze his thighs. They felt thick and hard as steel when I squeezed them. Everything on him felt deliciously hard. I dragged my hands higher up towards the seam of his zipper. “I like when you watch me, Riggs. I want you to watch me.”
His breathing became heavy as his eyes roamed over my face, taking me in. His grip tightened on my arms causing me to grip his thighs. His strength made my insides tremble with need. His muscles jumped and I could feel his arousal against my belly. His cock was so hard it was poking into me, seeking what I was so willing to give him.
“But I don’t want you watching anymore, Riggs.” I took his hand and placed his index finger against my lips. “I want you touching me,” I whispered before sucking his finger into my mouth.
I noticed his eyes dilate and his hands were suddenly around me, picking me up and having me straddle his lap.
“What are you gonna do to me, Riggs?”
A deep growl came from deep within him and his hands squeezed my ass, pressing me up against him. He didn’t say a word, he just continued to grope and squeeze my body. His touch was strong and desperate, marking me as his. My skirt had slid up lewdly onto my waist and my panty covered mound was being grinded into the huge bulge hidden in his jeans.
I threw my head back as a thrill shot through to my core and I grinded my hips on him. My breath came out in ragged moans as he moved me swiftly against his body. He opened his thighs, spreading mine in the process, making me feel open and exposed. His hands gripped my hips tightly and he grunted as I started to move on my own.