Wolf (A Hell's Lovers MC Romance, #1) Read online

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  “Wolf.” I breathed, dragging my hands along his tussled hair.

  I felt the hot slickness of his tongue lick me from the base of my shoulder up along the curve of my neck. He stopped briefly before nipping my earlobe and I nearly came, right then and there.

  “You taste so goddamn good.” He whispered.

  I gripped his hair and whimpered. “Don’t stop, Wolf. Please, don’t stop.”

  My words seemed to snap him out of his trance and he stepped away from me. I glided down the wall and a feeling of emptiness surrounded me as he moved away.

  My hands reached for him, but he turned away. I could tell his breathing was labored, and he was just as, or even more affected by this, than I was. I reached out and touched his back and I suddenly found myself pressed once more against the wall. My body arched like a cat in heat, trying to bring every inch of him against me. The movement was futile as he gripped me by the shoulders and half shook me awake from my lust filled moment.

  “Stop it. Stop, Scarlett. I won’t be able to do this if you don’t stop.” He pressed his forehead against mine and ran his hands down my arms, gripping my hips. His mouth said one thing, but his hands wouldn’t stop touching me. “Stop. Please.”

  My body stilled at his request, but it remained thrumming alongside his.

  “Don’t stop, Wolf. Please. Please, don’t do this.”

  He dragged his rough jaw against my cheek and breathed in. “I can’t. I just can’t.” He squeezed his eyes shut, almost as if it hurt. He waited a few minutes, his body vibrated against mine, and his hands continued to hold me. “I won’t have you wandering down here. You need to leave.”

  “What?” I whispered.

  He gripped my waist tightly. “I want you to leave, Scarlett. You don’t belong here!”

  I rubbed my hands across the muscles of his chest and his breath hitched. “I don’t want to leave. I want to stay here. With you.”

  He growled and leaned his body into mine. “Me too, gorgeous. Oh God, me too.”

  He practically pried himself away from me and met my eyes. “But I can’t. I can’t do this to you. I’m not worth it, Scarlett. None of this is.”

  “You can’t do what?” I shook my head as he stepped away, but this time I stayed with him, gripping onto his jacket. “Don’t! Don’t pull away. I want this. I want you.”

  He looked down at me and smiled sadly. “I want you too.”

  He didn’t elaborate on it, he just grabbed my hand and dragged me upstairs. He waited until I grabbed my purse and then he led me out to my car.

  Closing the door, he leaned in. “Will you be here tomorrow?”

  His question sounded more like a plea and my heart softened even more for this man.

  “Yes.” I whispered, and leaned over pressing my lips to his cheek. I watched as he closed his eyes and then stepped away.




  A week later I found Meg, the club’s manager, behind the counter setting up new bottles of liquor. She was a pretty lady, mid-fifties, dark brown hair. She reminded me of my mom. The tattoo on her right arm was an emblazoned ribbon that read Hell’s Lover. I thought it was appropriate since she had been one of the MC founder’s old lady. She was smart, witty, and a spitfire. None of the boys messed with her and she knew her job and got things done without asking questions. That alone deserved my respect. Turned out, she was also a good listener.

  “Is he here?”

  “No honey. You just missed him.”

  I sighed and sat down on one of the stools. “I need a shot, Meg.”

  “You got it, baby.” She put out a crystal shot glass and I waited silently as she poured deep amber liquid up to the top of the glass.

  She slid the drink to me and I took a deep breath before taking the shot. The burning sensation coated my throat and dripped down to my belly. The warmth that flowed through me brought me comfort, and I asked for another one.

  Five shots, and an hour later, I was feeling light as a feather and a slightly buzzed. The club was starting to get full and the music was just getting started.

  “Why is it that men can’t say what’s on their minds? It’s always a game to them. Everything’s always a game.” I looked back at the girls getting ready on stage and I smirked. “Maybe I should do that instead. I can dance better than I can argue.”

  Meg smiled and propped a hip on the side of the bar. “Honey, I think you’ve had a few too many. And as soon as you set foot on that stage, that man you’re talkin’ about, is gonna bring you right down from it.”

  She tried to take away my glass, but I took the shot quickly. I raised my index finger up and paused. “Just one more shot Meg, please.”

  She shook her head, no. “If I knew you’d be such a lightweight I wouldn’t have given you the first one.”

  “What are you saying that I can’t handle this, that I can’t handle him?” My voice rose and Meg took my glass from me.

  “You are most definitely not drinking anymore.” She put the glass down and looked at me. She had that mother hen look in her eye and I knew there was a speech coming.

  “Honey. I’m no one to give you advice, and if I was your momma I’d probably tell you to run away as fast as possible. But I won’t. First, cause I’m not your momma, and secondly, cause I’d be hypocrite. I know the feeling. I’ve experienced that feeling and I’m gonna tell you that if you really want it, then you need to fight for it.”

  A booming laugh caught my ear and I looked over to the member’s lounge. His tall frame encompassed half the booth he was sitting in. He must have come in from one of the back doors. He looked absolutely delicious in his charcoal pants, white shirt and leather jacket. He was half business, half rugged biker, and he sent my heart into a frenzy. He also pissed me off. How could he look so at ease, as if he had no concerns in the world? And he was laughing, a deep booming sound that thrilled me, and it wasn’t with Grayson or Cain, it was with...a woman. A beautiful woman.

  Meg looked over and grinned. “That’s Lucy. She’s one of the dancers. She’s been here for going on three years now. I’m not gonna lie, girl has a thing for Wolf. I think he likes her well enough, but nothin’ serious. I heard they dated for a few months, back when she first started. Pretty girl. It’s a shame she couldn’t make somethin’ of herself.”

  My eyes never wavered from Wolf’s cheerful expression. There were light crinkles on the corner of his eyes as he laughed, his smile shone brightly. He looked happy with her. A deep sense of urgency, and I admit, jealousy, swept through me.

  I want to tell you that I was drunk, or certifiably insane, but what I did next was far from that. What I did next was an act of desperation.

  Standing up, I swayed unsteadily for a second, but found my footing. I sauntered up to Derek, the club’s DJ, and told him to play something sexy. He nodded, pointing at me. Suddenly, Kiiara’s Gold started pumping through the loudspeakers and it gave me some courage for what I was about to do. I stepped onto the platform of an empty stage in my drab grey business suit and black stilettos, pretty much sticking out like a sore thumb. I stood staring at the tall piece of metal looming menacingly in front of me, and I don’t know if it was the drinks or the need for Wolf’s attention, but I was about to put my pole dancing workouts to use.

  I twirled on the shiny silver pole and I heard Seth yell at someone above the rafters. “Turn on the spotlight!”

  I was suddenly consumed in a bright light and I placed a hand up, shielding my eyes. Taking a step back, I slammed against the pole. I heard a few shouts and hoots that were directed at me.

  I braced myself and made my way to the center of the stage. I started swaying my hips to the sultry beat of the music. Awkwardly at first, but I gained confidence little by little, and slowly started unbuttoning my jacket. I flung it and it landed somewhere on the back of the stage. My silk black shirt shined under the light and did nothing to hide the swell of my breasts as it molded to
me. The music continued to move me and I ran my hands down my body. My fingers brought down the zipper of my skirt and I let it slide down my legs and pool at my feet. Gaining my courage from all the hollering I was receiving, I took down my hair from the bun it was in, bent down, shook it out, and arched my back up. That’s when I saw him. He was standing by the bar, a look of sheer horror in his eyes, but I saw something else. His look was also laced in so much heated lust that I felt it burn my skin.

  I looked right at him as I started to unbutton my shirt, I let it hang open briefly on my shoulders, then shrugged it off. In one move it was crumpled on the floor. I stood there in my red laced bra and panties, completely exposed to his eyes. I didn’t care about the whistles coming from below, I only saw him. His eyes drifted up my bare legs, taking in my hips and skimming up my soft belly. His eyes lingered on my breasts and as he licked his lips, I swayed my body for him.

  He caught my eyes and made a move across the room. He leaped over a chair and before he could get to me, I made my own move. I made the short run on the stage and jumped, swinging my legs and arms on the pole. Gripping it tightly with my legs, I stretched my upper body out and then dropped upside down. I slid down the pole gently, laying myself down with my back pressed on the wooden floor. I opened my legs wide, holding them up in the air and I saw dollars start floating on the stage. I arched my back, thrusting my breasts out and let my head fall back. I could see him, and his eyes never left me. He was standing at the edge of the stage, his mouth open in shock. I felt a boost of adrenaline and hugging the pole tightly with my calves I raised myself up, transitioning up the pole. I put my knees together and swung to the side managing a split midair. I let myself drop slowly to the stage floor in a burn slide. My legs spread wide open and my breasts heaving from the exertion. It was the craziest, yet most gratifying experience of my life. I was feeling giddy with excitement, and totally turned on.

  His eyes were dark as he watched me. As the last few notes of the music drifted over me, I started to crawl on all fours towards him. I could see the muscles of his arms bulging as I came up to him. I made sure to sway my hips as I approached him, feeling very much like a cat in heat.

  I could see his chest rise and fall as he took in puffs of air. He was seething in anger, and I was enjoying every minute of it.

  I swiveled around on the floor and sat down before him. His eyes were on my thighs as I opened my legs for him. I bit my lip and slid myself down to the edge of the stage making sure to straddle his waist. He opened his arms, letting me wrap around him, and licked his lips. He was as aroused as I was and I smiled up at him. Gripping his leather jacket, I pressed myself up against him.

  I leaned in and I roamed my tongue along the roughness of his five o’clock shadow, running it up his neck and tracing the edge of his ear.

  “See what you made me do.” I whispered, and then pushed him back. I took in his lust filled gaze for a moment, but then jumped off the stage and slowly made my way back to the office. Not giving a flying fuck that I was half naked.



  I drank in the swell off her ass, ripe for the taking, as she practically glided past me. My first instinct was to cover her up, but if she wanted to make a scene, then I was all for it.

  I grabbed her by the waist and spun her around. She squealed in protest as I propped her over my shoulder, striding towards the stairs to my office. I felt her squirming and I gave her a sound smack on that gorgeous curve of an ass she had. She smacked me on the shoulder and whimpered, but remained still. I palmed her backside, stroking her softly as I climbed the stairs. As soon a she was safely in the office, I set her down gingerly. She looked up at me and I slammed the door shut.

  The woman was a complete tease. When I first spotted her on stage I thought I was hallucinating, but when she let her hair down and arched that beautiful body I was sure I had gone insane. Too many nights jerking off to her had finally gotten to me. But then she looked at me, undressed for me, danced for me, and although I wanted to hide her from all the gawking eyes and lewd remarks, she was too beautiful to stop. It was like she had let her wild side dominate her and I was enjoying every fucking minute of it.

  Her body was sultry and soft. She swayed her hips as if she was meant to dance her whole life. Her breasts would bounce in their confines as she twirled on the damn pole. And her legs, fuck, those long curvy stems made me speechless. And then she was crawling towards me and I wanted to sit her on my cock and let her ride me to exhaustion.

  Now I had her in my office, in the tiniest red thong that I yearned to rip off of her. Her silhouette against the dim light was driving me crazy as it shown on her sheer bra and those sweet buds, man did I desperately want to put one in my mouth.

  “What the hell was that, Scarlett?” My voice sounded huskier than I intended. I was angry and turned on beyond reason.

  She shrugged. “I wanted to know what it was like.”

  I took another step closer to her and she backed up, rounding a chair. “Wanted to know what, what was like?”

  She paused for a moment and then breathed out. “What being desired felt like.”

  Her answer was a kick in the nuts, because she knew damn well that the remark was intended for me.

  “And did you get what you wanted?” I continued to stalk her across the room and she took another step back, the wall at her back stopped her escape.

  “You tell me.”

  I stood before her, the heat between our bodies intense and I couldn’t help myself any longer. I reached out and touched the seam of her panties, just below her belly button. She sucked in a breath and her stomach rippled. My hand glided along the waistband, not yet touching her skin, and she closed her eyes and licked her lips.

  “Wolf.” She made my name a whispered plea and I wanted to give into it. I stepped up beside her and spread my hand along the soft swell of her belly. She hissed at the contact and I pressed my forehead to her shoulder, looking down as I touched her. Slowly and leisurely I made my way down to her hip.

  “You should never feel like you’re lacking, gorgeous. You have everything a man would want.”

  She slid her hand up my arm and her soft touch warmed my heart. What she said next, disarmed me. “I don’t just want any man. I want you.”

  I looked up at her, her golden eyes shining with intensity. She ran her hand down to my wrist and pushed my hand lower. I let her guide me.

  She didn’t leave my eyes. “Touch me.”

  I didn’t need any further permission, and I traced my finger down to her heated mound. She moaned and grabbed my wrist with both hands. The movement made her breasts squeeze together. It was an erotic sight, but I withheld from touching her further. I ignored my own needs and only seeked one thing, her pleasure.

  I pressed down over her panty covered slit and felt the moistness. She moaned and her head fell back, gently hitting the wall. She was so beautiful, leaning back, giving herself to me.

  “You’re a tease, gorgeous. A fucking fiery, beautiful tease.” I pushed her panties aside and ran my middle finger along her slit, parting her wet folds. She sighed and opened her thighs slightly to let me in.

  I dipped a finger in her juices, making sure I coated it before inserting it into her hot cavern. She exclaimed and swung her hips up onto my finger. It slid in further and then I added another digit. Slowly I started to pump in and out of her. The sound of her wetness hung in the air as her pussy slurped on my hand.

  “Wolf. Oh, wow.” She looked at me then, her eyes dilated and her breathing labored. I stared down at her as I pressed my fingers against the roof of her cunt and her lips parted into a perfect O. I leaned down and tasted her lips. She tasted like lip balm and strawberries and her soft mouth sent a thrill straight to my groin. I continued licking her lips, brushing against her teeth, until I sucked in her tongue. Working it like I would her pussy. I caught her whimpers against my mouth as I penetrated her. I pressed upwards again and she wailed. Her
body pressed into mine and her head fell against my shoulder. She gripped my jacket tightly as she jerked her hips forward, sliding her sex into my hand.

  Her breathing had turned ragged and I knew she was on that exquisite precipice. I wanted to give her the pleasure she asked for so badly. I slowly slid my fingers to the hilt pressing my palm on her clit. She bit down on my jacket as I put pressure on my hand, making sure my fingers rubbed that sensitive spot on the roof of her pussy.

  “You’re driving me crazy, gorgeous. Look what you’ve done, what you’ve made me do.” I threw her words back at her and she held my eyes. Her expression said it all, raw need. She needed me and she wasn’t afraid to hide it.

  My heart started beating faster, and I wanted to bring her to the edge, I wanted her to know who she belonged to. I continued my assault on her heated silkiness until I had her whispering my name. Her body rocked against my hand, and juices ran down her thighs as she came. She slumped against me and I held her tightly as I circled my thumb against her swollen nub. She gasped in air and clung to me.

  After a few minutes, I let her down gently from her ecstasy and sat her down. My cock was hard as a rock, but tonight wasn’t about me. I walked down the hall to one of my closets and pulled out a white t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants.

  As I walked back inside she was already putting on her overcoat, tying it tightly round her waist. Just knowing that she had barely anything on underneath the coat, made my hormones rage even more.

  “I brought you clothes.”

  “No need.” She whispered and looked up at me. “I should go.”

  Reluctantly, I nodded. “Yeah. I think its best.”

  She ducked her head and brushed past me. I grabbed her arm as she passed by. “Don’t do that again?”

  She laughed lightly. “Who are you to stop me?”