Grayson (Hell's Lovers MC, #2) (A Hell's Lovers MC) Read online

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  “I’m going to have Meg train you at the bar. She wants to retire and has been looking for someone to manage the bar when she’s gone. And honey, you’re perfect for the job.”

  My mouth hung open. “Manage, Ravenous? Do you have any idea what goes on down there?”

  Scarlett rolled her eyes. “Pure debauchery and loud mouthed, drunken bikers. If there’s anyone who can handle that, it’s you. Plus, nothing fazes you.”

  “You know, I was thinking of a nice quiet office job. Something very different from the one I just left.”

  Scarlett shook her head. “You don’t thrive in an office, Rahyne. You like to give orders and set your own schedules. You want protection? I’ve got eight men downstairs who will offer that to you. No one messes with Meg, no one messes with you.”

  “I don’t know, Scarlett. This sounds a little out of my comfort zone.”

  Scarlett stood up and dragged me up. “Don’t even. You used to run circles around me when we bartended in college. You know exactly how to run a bar, and I know that Wolf will be happy to have you here.”

  She tugged me forward and I followed her past empty offices as she pulled me towards a back staircase. “Where are you taking me?”

  She looked back at me and squeezed my hand. “Just follow me, I want to show you something.”

  Opening the door at the top, we entered into the large space that Wolf had converted into their home. It was a beautiful loft with a large open living and kitchen space.

  “This is going to be a great opportunity for you, Rahyne. Besides, both Wolf and I would feel better to have someone we trust manning the bar.” Without another word, she pulled me towards the back of the apartment and opened the first door on the right. I walked into a bright nursery. A white rocking chair stood in the corner, matching the crib set I had pitched in to buy, and the walls were painted a rosy pink. My eyes grew wide and I turned around with a wide smile.

  “It’s a girl.” I said softly.

  She grinned and nodded her head excitedly. A giant squeal came out of both our lips and I ran to her and hugged her. “I can’t believe it! I thought it was a boy.”

  “So did we, but we couldn’t wait any longer and Wolf asked the doctor about the baby’s sex.”

  “Is he happy?”

  She grinned. “He’s ecstatic! But he says we’re eventually going to have to move. There’s no way this little girl is going anywhere near Ravenous.”

  I laughed. “Yeah, no kidding. My niece cannot grow up above a club like that. Although her uncles may be the best protection she’ll ever have, that club is no joke.”

  She hugged her belly and laughed. “I’m so happy Rahyne. I didn’t think I could ever be this happy.”

  I hugged her tightly. “You deserve it, babe.”

  She looked up at me and smiled sadly. “So do you, my friend, so do you.”

  I smiled brightly. “I am happy, Scarlett. It may not be the conventional happiness, but it’s the best that I have right now.”

  She nodded. “I just hope you won’t let go of something good because of your fears.”

  I frowned. “Why don’t you show me the bar. I’d like to start working as soon as possible.”

  She tugged me out and I followed her quietly. It sometimes annoyed me how on point Scarlett could be. It wasn’t that I wasn’t happy, it just wasn’t the happiness I yearned for. And there were moments, like this one, where I pictured myself with a baby and wondered if that was the type of happiness I truly wanted.



  I followed Wolf down the highway, feeling tense as we rode into Sacramento county. The area we were headed into wasn’t a place we liked to roam, especially at night. It was just Wolf and I, but I made sure that Cain and Riggs knew where we were, just in case shit went down. If I didn’t text them within the hour, they’d send out the cavalry.

  We parked in front of a slick and swanky club. As soon as we hopped off our bikes, one of the big burly bouncers approached us.

  “Can I help you fellas?”

  Wolf looked at me and smirked. “We’re here to see Ray.”

  The guy shook his head. “No one comes to see Mr. Simon without a private invitation.”

  Wolf nodded. “That’s fair. How ‘bout you tell your boss The Hell’s Lovers are here to see him.”

  The guy’s eyes widened and we watched him talk to someone through his earpiece. After a moment, he looked over at us and guided us to the front entrance.

  “Mr. Stone, Mr. Simon is waiting for you upstairs. I do apologize. Please, this way.” Wolf arched an eyebrow and looked over at me. The big guy led us through to what seemed to be a high scaled establishment. The music was pumping and a large crowd was starting to form on the dance floor. It was a lot larger than Ravenous. It had large wooden pillars, cages with beautiful dancers that hung in the air, and a balcony overlooking the club wrapped around the second floor. Expensive décor and fancy leather seating hid the drug and money trafficking we knew went on behind the scenes. We were brought upstairs to one of the offices where Ryan Simon was waiting for us.

  He rose from his leather chair and buttoned up his sleek gray suit. “Gentlemen! To what do I owe this pleasure?”

  Wolf shook his hand and smirked. “Looking dapper there, Ry.”

  He shrugged and chuckled. “Hey, sometimes you gotta look the part. I leave the patches and the leather jacket for more… adventurous affairs.” He looked over at me and nodded. “Grayson. It’s good to see you.”

  “You too Ryan.”

  He led us to a pair of black leather bound chairs that were set across from a dark mahogany desk. He went over and poured three glasses of whiskey. “So, what can the Death Row Shooters do for the Hell’s Lovers?”

  Wolf looked at me, giving me permission to do the talking.

  “We need your help, Ryan. We got some bad people breathing down our backs. We need them to back off.”

  He brought over the whiskey glasses and perched himself on the desk. “Who are these people?”

  I hesitated for a moment, looking over at Wolf. “Los Perdidos.”

  “The gang members?”

  I nodded, but before I could say anything more, Wolf interceded. “They’re hassling my men, the club, they’re making our lives a living hell. Two of my men are out on the road and we’re currently working on prospects. I fear for Scarlett and all the women who work with us. I need a hand, Ry. I can’t trust just anyone.”

  Ryan nodded and walked quietly back to his seat behind the desk. After a few minutes, he smiled. “Done.”

  “What?” Both Wolf and I stated in surprise.

  “It’s done. We’ll watch your back. If you need my men all you need to do is call me.”

  Wolf narrowed his eyes, laced with wariness. “What do you want in return?”

  Ryan surprisingly shook his head and raised his hands. “You protected me when I needed protection. It’s only fair I do the same for you.”

  I frowned. “Just like that?”

  Ryan chuckled. “Why so much suspicion, gentlemen? I’m a fair man. I know the game. An eye for an eye. You scratch my back, I scratch yours.”

  Wolf nodded. “I didn’t want to put it on you like this...”

  He held up his hand. “I’m at your disposal for when you need me. But remember Wolf, we’re friends. We may need each other in the future.”

  Wolf frowned. “I thought our debt would be paid with this. I did you a favor, now you returned it. That’s enough.”

  Wolf laid the cards on the table for him and I felt the tension in the room rise. Expecting him to become hostile, my fingers carefully traced the gun at my back. But Ryan just smiled and patted Wolf on the back.

  “I just want to make sure we’re friends, that’s all Wolf.”

  He nodded, but we both knew what that meant. If Ryan Simon or any of the Death Row Shooters ever needed protection, the door to Ravenous needed to remain open. It was a deal we both were willing to m
ake, for the safety of the Hell’s Lovers.

  IT WAS LATE when I entered my apartment. I sank down on the couch and stared out into the city. I lived in a high rise in downtown L.A., it offered a good view and it was near the club, I also owned the building. I had a few investments, mostly in stocks, so I did well for myself. I didn’t really have any family or anyone I truly cared about, except for Wolf and most recently, Scarlett. I used to do security for the military, and after retiring, Wolf gave me a place to stay and opened his doors for me. I was glad I had someone like Wolf. He’d been a good friend throughout the years. When he took over as President, he immediately named me VP, and it’s been that way for the last five years. The brotherhood was my refuge and although we didn’t voice it, we were a pretty tight knit family.

  I stood up and went to grab a beer. I headed down the hall to my bedroom, where an empty bed awaited me. Usually it didn’t bother me, but lately I’d been yearning for a warm body to press up against. Specifically, a voluptuous blonde, with eyes the color of emeralds. My cock stirred and I sighed as I took a swig of my beer and sat at the edge of the bed.

  Images of Rahyne spread out on my mattress kept flooding through my mind and they had been non-stop lately. It didn’t matter where I was or who I was with, I couldn’t get the temptress out of my head. It was starting to worry me.

  I never even thought of settling down. I lived my life peacefully, went where I wanted, fucked who I wanted, and didn’t give a shit about anything. But with Rahyne...fuck, I thought my urgency to have her was just an infatuation-something that would go away in a matter of weeks. Six months later, and my body still craved hers, more now than ever before. Running my hands through my hair I fought my desire to go looking for her and I gulped down my beer.

  Lying back on the bed I let her image envelop me and I pulled out my shaft-hard as a rock as usual-and stroked myself, remembering the sound of her sweet whispers, and the moans and whimpers I heard on an almost daily basis. I groaned, imagining the wonderful feeling of her tight pussy hugging my swollen member. Remembering the way she shouted my name, and how her body gripped me, made me jerk off harder. Knowing I could manipulate her body to such extremes had me grunting my release as streams of white fluid leapt out and landed on my stomach. I breathed out and splayed my arms on the mattress. Closing my eyes, I imagined her by my side, and the only thought that came to my mind, before I drifted off, was that I was going to make her mine.



  The next evening, was my first night on the job and I was following Meg around the club as she showed me the ropes. Scarlett had shown me the bar the night before, but now Meg was giving me a fully detailed tour. She had taken me behind the stage curtain and led me to the girl locker rooms, we entered a few of the back rooms, each with a different color, blue, crimson, violet and white. Each room had its own theme and comfortable king sized bed.

  The rooms had me intrigued. They were not to be used by just anyone, only the brotherhood and very exclusive members could use these back rooms. If the brotherhood or any member seeking refuge needed a place, then that’s what Ravenous was all about. It was a place where these men could kick up their feet and be treated like kings without any questions, repercussions, or fear of being shot dead.

  When using this part of the club they were to follow four simple rules: no violence of any kind, used with invitation only given solely by one of our lovely ladies or a Hell’s Lover, safe words were a must at all times, and absolutely no guns. Guns were to be checked in at the bar if this was the case. I was curious about the rules, but didn’t ask too many questions. I did ask one important question to Meg.

  “What happens if they break the rules?”

  She turned to me and grimaced. “I don’t know”

  “You don’t know?”

  She shrugged. “No one has ever broken the rules. Then again, no one ever breaks the Hell’s Lovers rules.”

  I smiled and winked at her. “Except for Wolf, that is.”

  She gave me a hearty laugh and slapped her hip. “Damn straight. Best rule he’s ever broken was marrying that pretty friend of yours.”

  I shook my head and passed another room. She paused and looked up at me. “No one enters this room. The Black Velvet room is never to be used by anyone but Cain, not even I’m allowed in it. He has his own key and comes and goes as he pleases. Wolf, Grayson, and the brotherhood never questioned it, and neither do we.”I nodded in acknowledgment and continued on.

  Next was Grayson’s office, set in the far back corner of the building. It was filled with security screens that were focused on every corner of the club. His scent permeated the air and I lingered there for a few minutes before following her to my soon-to-be office which was next door. We spent hours talking about the club’s reports and how she kept track of the numbers. She also told me about the exclusive memberships and who was or wasn’t allowed into Ravenous. Then she took me back to the inventory room. I bit my lip, trying not to smile as an image of Grayson slamming me against one of the boxes came to mind. Now that I knew there were beds in the back, I might have to get Grayson to share the meaning of those rules with me, especially the one about the safe word.

  “We carry a pretty good variety of drinks, but most of our customers like the four horsemen.”

  I smiled. “Jim, Jack, Johnnie and Jose. The sexiest men behind the bar.”

  She laughed. “I like that. You’re quick, smart. Where’d you work before?”

  I shrugged. “I’ve had a few jobs here and there. My last job was as an assistant manager at an upscale restaurant. My boss was a douchebag. He grabbed my ass and I kicked him in the balls. Needless to say, I had to leave.”

  Meg frowned. “Good for you. Guys can be rough to handle, especially in this environment. I’ll give you a tip, don’t leave the counter. As soon as you step away from that bar, every man will want to touch you, especially a pretty blonde like yourself. That bar’s your protection, it means you belong to the Hell’s Lovers, no one can touch you there.”

  My eyebrow shot up. “Is everyone aware of this?”

  Meg shrugged. “If they aren’t, it only takes a few seconds for them to get the rules down. The advantage is that you have Scarlett and Wolf protecting you, so the boys will be keeping an eye on you.”

  I nodded. “Good to know.”

  “Shipments come in the second and fourth Wednesday of the month for the hard stuff, so you have to be here at the crack of dawn to receive them. It gives us enough time to switch out what we need for the weekend. Wine and the fruity mixes come in once a month. Really depends on when you order them.”

  I took down notes as she continued to point out the different liquors and where they went. At eight o’clock we were back out front.

  “Alright. Bar opens in an hour. Make me four drinks, free hand, in five minutes.”

  Interesting, I thought, since most places used a jigger, but I was pretty good at eyeing the amount, and I was great at handling the bottles. I prepared a Four Horsemen, a Manhattan, a Red Headed Slut, and my personal favorite, the Long Island. She watched me carefully as she timed me. I took six minutes, but she looked impressed. She took a sip of each and nodded.

  “Not bad. Where’d you learn to do all that fancy stuff?”

  “Hey, I paid my college tuition doing all that fancy stuff. Tom Cruise was a good teacher.”

  That made her crack up and I laughed right along with her. We were enjoying the moment, when I suddenly felt the small hairs on the back of my neck stand up. I felt him before he even spoke. His scent hit my senses, weakening my knees. I turned to him slowly, bracing myself for how scrumptious he looked. Sure enough, he walked in wearing his leather vest covered in patches and a tight white t-shirt that molded to every one of those brawny muscles that made my mouth water.

  “What’s so funny?” His sly boyish smile made me want to smile back, but I held it back from him trying to maintain my professionalism.

frowned. “None of your business, pretty boy.”

  He raised his hands up and winked at me. “Can I at least be nosy and inquire about the lovely lady behind the bar with you?”

  Meg narrowed her eyes on him. “Don’t be bothering my employees, Grayson Carter.”

  He shrugged. “You know I need to know who everyone is, Meg. Now, why don’t you let me talk to the pretty lady?”

  I hid a smile and looked down at my hands. The way he was looking at me made me blush for the first time. He was never so open at showing his hunger for me; then again, he never had a chance to. I made sure we were never seen in public together. But now, in front of Meg, I started to feel shy over his advances. I had to admit, I actually liked it.

  Meg sighed. “Fine. We open in thirty minutes. I’ll be in the back doing inventory. Holler if you need me.”

  I nodded as she turned to leave, she looked pointedly at Grayson. “Hands to yourself, pretty boy.”

  His smile widened as she disappeared down the hall. He leaned forward and downed the Four Horsemen. “Now that’s a good drink. So, are you our sexy new bartender?”

  I smiled back. “Try bar manager.”

  His eyes widened. “Seriously?” I nodded and gave him a sly smirk. “So, does that mean I get to see you every night?”

  I laughed. “I suppose. But I take my work very serious.” I leaned in towards him until our breaths mingled. “Which pretty much means I don’t shit where I eat.”

  He tilted his lips into a lopsided grin. “I guess you’ve already broken that rule, haven’t you?”

  His lips barely touched mine and I closed my eyes inhaling the scent of him, mint and fresh linen with a touch of whiskey; he smelled like home.

  “Mmm, baby, I don’t think I’ll be able to hold back all night.”

  I opened my eyes and winked at him. “Well, you’re gonna have to try, pretty boy.”

  He narrowed his eyes at me, and the next thing I knew he was leaping over the counter, grabbing me around the waist, and fully pressing me against the hard planes of his body. My whole body immediately melted into his. He pressed his lips against my neck and I breathed out softly.